Winter Pub of the Season presentation to the Wills O’ Nats on Monday 12th March

We will be making the Winter Pub of the Season presentation to the Wills O’ Nats, Blackmoorfoot, Meltham, HD9 5PS (map) at 9pm on Monday 12th Mar 2012.

Minibus leaves St George’s Sq at 7:30pm. The minibus is full, but Contact us to check if there are any cancellations

We hope to see you there.


Also, please note that, for Branch Members only, online voting for Pub of the Year and Club of the Year are available in the Members’ Area. Online votes must be submitted before midnight on Monday 12th March 2012. You can also vote for Mild Pub of the Year and Mild Club of the Year, but the deadline for those is later,  in May.