On Friday 18th Nov 2016, at 20:00, we will be making a Beer of the Festival Presentation to Three Fiends Brewery at Wood Street Craft Beer House, Huddersfield.
We hope to see you there.
On Friday 18th Nov 2016, at 20:00, we will be making a Beer of the Festival Presentation to Three Fiends Brewery at Wood Street Craft Beer House, Huddersfield.
We hope to see you there.
On Tuesday 1st Nov 2016, at 20:00, we will be holding our Beer Festival Wash-up meeting at the Corner, Huddersfield (not the Rat & Ratchet as originally planned).
If you helped at the beer festival, or attended as a customer, then we would like to see attend the meeting and contribute.
We hope to see you there.
Huddersfield CAMRA Oktoberfest 2016 Beer/Cider of the Festival Winners
Charlie’s Award – Overall Beer of the Festival
Blue Bee Brewery Born in the USA 6%
Mild of the Festival
Ballards MidHurst Mild 3.5% GOLD
Phoenix MonkeyTown Mild 3.9% SILVER
Plassey Midnight Mild 4.2% BRONZE
Bitter of the Festival
Three Fiends Bad Uncle Barry 4.2% GOLD
Salopian Conundrum 3.8% SILVER
Fyne Ales Hurricane Jack BRONZE
Strong Bitter of the Festival
Blue Bee Born in the USA 6% GOLD
Great Heck Black Jesus 6.5% SILVER
Milltown Maltissimo 5.3% JOINT BRONZE
Lords Brewery Havelock IPA 5.9% JOINT BRONZE
Speciality Beer of the Festival
Nook Sticky Toffee 4.2% GOLD
Riverhead Sherbert Lemon 4% JOINT SILVER
Pheasantry Orange Pheasant 6% JOINT SILVER
First Chop JAM Mango Ale 4% BRONZE
Stout/Porter of the Festival
Castle Rock Sherwood Reserve 4.5% JOINT GOLD
Black Wolf Glencoe Stout 4.5% JOINT GOLD
B&T Shefford Plum Porter 4.7% SILVER
Flying Monk JackDaw Porter 4.3% BRONZE
Cider of the Festival
Udders Orchard Luddite 6.3% GOLD
Lambourn Valley Swansong 6.2% SILVER
Huddersfield Oktoberfest Beer & Cider Festival 2016 Thu 29th Sep to Sat 1st Oct 2016
APNA Venue Leisure Centre, Spring Grove St, Huddersfield, HD1 2NX
The beer & cider list is now available to download.
Around 60 beers, both local and from around the country. Ciders, including local award winners. Food at all sessions. Memorabilia stall. Open Thursday evening to Saturday evening with afternoon sessions on Friday and Saturday. No music, just convivial conversations. Large seating area.
Thu 29th Sep 6pm – 10:30pm
Fri 30th Sep 12 noon – 11pm
Sat 1st Oct 11am – 11pm
Admission: FREE for CAMRA members, £3 for non members.
Refundable glass with 1/3rd pint measure.
It’s a busy week ahead for Huddersfield CAMRA…
Tue 10th May, 8pm
Thu 12 May, 8pm
Sat 14th May, 1:30pm
Mon 16th May, 8pm
We hope to see you at one or more of these events.
On Wednesday 9th March 2016, at 7:30pm, we will be presenting a Beer of the Festival award to Blue Bee Brewery at the Sportsman, Huddersfield.
There will also be a Blue Bee Brewery tap takeover.
We hope to see you there.
On Thu 29th October 2014, at 8pm, we will be holding our Beer Festival Wash Up meeting at the Rat & Ratchet, Huddersfield.
We will be reviewing all aspects of the recent festival.
Please come along and participate.