Tag Archives: Field Head Quarmby

Beer Festival Sub Committee Meeting and some other news

We will be holding the first Beer Festival Sub Committee Meeting at the Rat & Ratchet, Chapel Hill, Huddersfield, HD1 3EB (map) at 8pm on Thursday 26th January 2012.

If you would like to get involved with the organisation of Huddersfield Oktoberfest 2012, then please come along.

Branch Members can download previous minutes & an agenda from the Members’ Area http://huddscamra.org.uk/members-area/agendas-minutes-of-beer-festival-meetings/


We had listed a beer festival at the Field Head, Quarmby for 3-4th Feb on the Diary page. This has been postponed until March, date tbc.

Finally, the Junction at Marsh, HD1 4LA (map) has reopened, after being closed for several months, and is once again offering a range of real ale.