Saltaire Brewery Raided

Last night, thieves broke in to Saltaire Brewery and stole a large quantity of
casks and bottles of beer.

It is thought that they may have been stolen in order to offer to pubs or
festivals. The casks are so far the only “Bavarian Gold” to have left the
brewery, so please be aware and pass this information on to licensees and
festival organisers who you think might be approached. The identity of the beer
may of course have been disguised.

Over 70 casks were taken, all full of Bavarian Gold, from a locked,
refrigerated compound. Empty casks, all accessible, were not taken, so it seems
the thieves were not after scrap metal.
The casks were rented, metal casks, with the “e-cask” name on the side, with 2
bright orange hoops painted on.

3 pallets of bottled Saltaire Goldings and 3 pallets of Cascade, all 500ml, were
also taken.

Please circulate this information as widely as possible.