Here are the results of the Beers of the Festival Competition held at Huddersfield Oktoberfest 2010.
Overall Beer of the Festival: Castle Hill 4.6% abv, Mallinsons, Lindley, Huddersfield
Mild of the Festival: Midnight Bell 4.8% abv, Leeds Brewery, Leeds
Bitter of the Festival: Cheers Charlie 3.9% abv, Mallinsons, Lindley, Huddersfield
Strong Ale of the Festival: Castle Hill 4.6% abv, Mallinsons, Lindley, Huddersfield
Stout/Porter of the Festival: Ossett Treacle Stout 5.0% abv, Ossett Brewery, Ossett
Speciality Beer of the Festival: Rum for Cover 6.5% abv, Fernandes, Wakefield
David Charlesworth (‘Charlie’) Award for New Beer of the Festival: Cheers Charlie 3.9% abv, Mallinsons, Lindley, Huddersfield
(205 voting forms were returned)