A busy week ahead

On Monday 28th March 2011, we will making a trip to Clark’s Brewery, a joint social with Wakefield Branch.

Train from Huddersfield dep 18:40 arr Wakefield Westgate 19:08.
Return from Wakefield Westgate 21:29 arr Huddersfield 22:05.

On Wednesday 30th March 2011, we will be having a Joint Social with Halifax & Calderdale CAMRA. We will be starting at 7:30pm at the Big Six, Horsfall Street, Halifax, HX1 3HG (map). We will move on to arrive at 8:30pm at the Three Pigeons, 1 Sun Fold, South Parade, Halifax, HX1 2LX(map).

For the Big Six, catch the 18:45 503 First bus from Huddersfield Bus Station, get off at Skircoat Road & 20 mins walk up Free School Lane.
For the Three Pigeons, catch the 19:30 503 First bus from Huddersfield Bus Station, get off at Halifax Swimming Pool & walk down Hunger Hill.

On Thursday 31st March 2011, at 8pm we will be holding the inaugural Oktoberfest 2011 Beer Festival Sub Committee Meeting. It will take place in the upstairs room at the Rat & Ratchet, Chapel Hill, Huddersfield, HD1 3EB (map). Please come along and help with the organisation and planning of this year’s  festival.

We hope to see you at one, more, or all of these events.