Lindley Crawl on Monday 1st July

On Monday 1st July 2013, we will be doing a Lindley Crawl.

Catch the 19:16 372 First bus from Westgate stop W4. Get off bus at 19:27 at Thorncliffe St and 3 min walk to:

7:30pm, Black Bull, 50 West St, Lindley, HD3 3JT (map)
7:55pm Saddle, 56 Lidget St, Lindley, HD3 3JR
8:20pm Lindley Liberal Club, 36 Occupation Road, Lindley, HD3 3EQ
8:45pm Black Horse, 107 Occupation Road, Lindley, HD3 3EQ
9:10pm Nightingale, 75 Acre St, Lindley, HD3 3D

Catch the 21:45 501 First bus from stop opposite the pub. Get back into Huddersfield at 21:55.

We hope to see you there.

Presentations, Beer Festivals and more – Thu 27th & Fri 28th Jun

On Thursday 27th Jun, at 8pm we will be making the Pub of the Season Presentation to the the Riverhead, Marsden, HD7 6BR (map) on the opening day of their 3 day Beer Festival. Catch the 19:30 train from Huddersfield Railway Station

Then, we will return to Huddersfield by train to the Trade Launch of the new expanded shop at HDM Beer Shop, 28-30 Wood St Huddersfield, HD1 1DU (map).

On Friday 28th Jun, at 8pm, we will be making the  Club of the Year Presentation to Marsh Liberal Club, New Hey Road, HD3 4AL (map) on the opening day of their 2 day Beer Festival. Catch the 19:42 372 First Bus from stand W4 on Westgate.

We hope to see you there.