A busy week ahead

On Monday 28th March 2011, we will making a trip to Clark’s Brewery, a joint social with Wakefield Branch.

Train from Huddersfield dep 18:40 arr Wakefield Westgate 19:08.
Return from Wakefield Westgate 21:29 arr Huddersfield 22:05.

On Wednesday 30th March 2011, we will be having a Joint Social with Halifax & Calderdale CAMRA. We will be starting at 7:30pm at the Big Six, Horsfall Street, Halifax, HX1 3HG (map). We will move on to arrive at 8:30pm at the Three Pigeons, 1 Sun Fold, South Parade, Halifax, HX1 2LX(map).

For the Big Six, catch the 18:45 503 First bus from Huddersfield Bus Station, get off at Skircoat Road & 20 mins walk up Free School Lane.
For the Three Pigeons, catch the 19:30 503 First bus from Huddersfield Bus Station, get off at Halifax Swimming Pool & walk down Hunger Hill.

On Thursday 31st March 2011, at 8pm we will be holding the inaugural Oktoberfest 2011 Beer Festival Sub Committee Meeting. It will take place in the upstairs room at the Rat & Ratchet, Chapel Hill, Huddersfield, HD1 3EB (map). Please come along and help with the organisation and planning of this year’s  festival.

We hope to see you at one, more, or all of these events.

Branch Meeting at Marsden Conservative Club on Monday 21st March

The next Branch meeting will be held at Marsden Conservative Club, Marsden, HD7 6DF (map)  (not the Tunnel End as previously advertised) at 8pm on Monday 21st March, 8pm.

Voting will take place for Pub of the Year, Club of the Year and Cider Pub of the Year. This year’s Oktoberfest Beer Festival will also be discussed.

Catch the 19:30 Northern train from Huddersfield Railway Station. Or, catch the 19:15 182 First Bus from Huddersfield Bus Station.

We hope to see you there.

News Update

Beer Festivals

There are several beer festivals coming up in the local area in the next couple of weeks.

  • Thu 10th – Sun 13th Mar, Shepherd’s Boy, Dewsbury
  • Fri 11th – Sun 13 th Mar, Gledholt Male Voice Choir, Heritage Mills, Oakes, Huddersfield
  • Wed 16th – Sun 20th, Star, Folly Hall, Huddersfield
  • Fri 18th – Sat 19th Mar, Denby Dale Lions, Pie Hall, Denby Dale

More details on the Diary page.


The Slubbers Arms at Hillhouse has reopened under new management earlier this year, selling Taylors & guest beers.

On Fri 18th Mar, at the King’s Head, Huddersfield, as part of Huddersfield Literature Festival, Sir Les Patterson-Prescott will be hosting an open mic night! Tickets required. More details on the Diary page.


  • Magic Rock Brewing in Oakes, Huddersfield will begin brewing in March 2011. The intention is to brew modern beers, inspired in part by US craft breweries.
  • The Two Roses Brewery in Barnsley will be operational from March 2011.  The brewery plans to brew a number of regular beers complemented during the year with seasonal beers.


The Spring issue of Aletalk should be appearing in pubs shortly. For the first time, it will be available in PDF format for download. To get it , see the Aletalk page.

March Branch Meeting

Please note that the Branch Meering at 8pm on Monday 21st March has had to be moved to Marsden Conservative Club. More info on the Diary page.


The brewery plans to brew a number of regular beers complemented during the year with seasonal beers.

Winter Pub of the Season Presentation at the Yeaton Cask, Kirkheaton

The Winter Pub of the Season Presentation will be at the Yeaton Cask, 4 Town Road, Kirkheaton, HD5 0HW (map) at 8pm (or thereabouts) on Monday 7th Mar 2011.

Catch the 20:00 262 Arriva bus from Huddersfield Bus Station.

There is no bus available to return. We will share taxis to get back to Huddersfield.

Also, please note that the next Branch Meeting on Monday 21st March has had to be moved from the Tunnel End to Marsden Conservative Club.