Apple Appeal

Huddersfield’s first cider maker would like to rescue your unwanted apples and pears from the compost heap.

David Kendall-Smith, former landlord of Huddersfield’s Rat and Ratchet (renowned for its support of real ciders) has been making cider and perry for four years.

David’s real cider is made from locally-sourced apples, and perry from pears, but without an orchard of his own, David is appealing for householders to donate their unwanted apples from trees on their land.  David said “many people have apple, or indeed pear trees on their land and often can only use a fraction of the fruit, I am asking for the excess”, he will collect the apples himself and offers in return a bottle of the finished product.  Apples and pears will ripen over the next few months.

With the help of The Huddersfield Examiner, Huddersfield CAMRA and the generosity of Huddersfield people, David managed to produce 70 gallons of cider and perry last year and some of his cider will be available at Huddersfield CAMRA’s Oktoberfest in October.

David is planning to purchase land to plant an orchard but in the meantime he hopes to harvest enough apples from the town’s gardens and hedgerows to make 100 gallons of real cider this year, and to double that next year.

Anyone who would like to offer some apples or pears can contact David on 07817 367752, by email at or visit


Aletalk is a quarterly magazine produced by the Huddersfield and Heavy Woollen Branches of CAMRA. It covers beer & pub related matters on both a local & national level, and has a circulation of 3000 copies.

Following recent changes, a new editorial team has now been established, and the Autumn 2010 issue will go to press during September.

If you have any articles or news for Aletalk or wish to advertise in the magazine, then please contact the editorial team at

Advertising Rates

£72 – Full Page
£42 – Half Page
£26 – Quarter Page

Aletalk Meeting on Tuesday 17th August 2010

There will be a further meeting to discuss the production of the Autumn issue of AleTalk.

It will be held in the upstairs room at the Rat & Ratchet, Huddersfield, HD1 3EB (map) at 8pm on Tuesday 17th August.

All welcome. Bring any articles that you have for inclusion along with you.

(P.S. Sorry about the stray email about an old social at the Sair sent yesterday. No idea why that happened – please ignore.)

Huddersfield Oktoberfest Thu 14th – Sat 16th October 2010

Huddersfield Oktoberfest Beer & Cider Festival 2010 will take place between Thursday 14th – Saturday 16th October 2010.

Once again, it will be at the Sikh Leisure Centre (APNA Venue), Spring Grove Street, Huddersfield, HD1 2NX (map).

We hope to see you there – either helping, drinking or both. More details can be found on our website here.

Or, you can download a poster here.

Want to help? Download a staffing form (in Word format) here. Just complete it, and return it to us by email or post.

Social Crawl of Golcar & Aletalk Meeting

On Monday 9th August 2010 we will be having a social crawl of Golcar (not a social at the Yeaton Cask as advertised in What’s Brewing).

We will be starting at 8pm at the Junction One, HD7 4AN (map).

NOTE – there will be also be a short meeting at the Junction for those interested in the future of AleTalk

At 8:30pm, we will be moving on to the Rose & Crown, HD7 4AN (map).

At 9pm, we will finish up at Golcar Liberal Club, HD7 4AH (map).

Catch the 19:45 302 First bus from Huddersfield Bus Station.

We hope to see you there.